My hubby and I are happily over 6 months pregnant and expecting our first child in April 2017! Hooray!
I had some complications in October which forced me to take a step back from many things. I am still experiencing those complications and some new ones too, but the baby is doing very well. She is flourishing. It is just mama who is wearing the brunt of it...I will have some battle stories to share with her one will all be worth it.
It was pretty funny at the ultrasound...the technician said "It's definitely a girl!" Corey and I were both so excited! We would be happy with either a boy or a girl but finding out makes it so much more real!
I exclaimed, "I just knew from the very beginning that it was going to be a girl!"
And right at that moment, the baby on the ultrasound screen, gave us a "thumbs up" with one of her hands...we all laughed, technician included. It was as if our baby girl could hear me...definitely an amazing and memorable moment.
My husband has been building a new home for is almost done. The nursery is very small but delightful. It was supposed to be a office/craftroom for me...hahaha...surprise! I have decided on the following (SU!) colours for the nursery...Cameo Coral, Coastal Cabana, Smoky Slate, Basic Gray and White. The walls are a (light) Coastal Cabana and the furniture is all white. The flooring is Smoky Slate with Basic Gray flecks in it and the nursing chair is a gray too. The accent is Cameo Coral...and I love it. Once it is all put together, I will be sure to post some photos.
So that's all for now...thank you for letting me share and for staying with my blog. I hope to get back to crafting by the summer. I miss it so very much.